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Forum: General Discussion


Sandy Edgerton (Odenbach)

Created on: 07/31/14 03:05 PM Views: 3299 Replies: 5
Sandy Edgerton (Odenbach)
Posted Thursday, July 31, 2014 03:05 PM

Does anyone know anything about either Sandy or Peter?    I would love to be able to contact her


Jan Alderman

RE: Sandy Edgerton (Odenbach)
Posted Sunday, August 10, 2014 06:35 PM

I asked a inlaw and was told they are still in colorado but have not been heard from in a while ... I imagine the address in the last reunion booklet is still good ... wait ....  try this ... could be our man. I hope you guys can make the 50th and let's start at 9AM and go til 9 PM .... it goes by too fast.   

Peter W Odenbach
1400 Ticonderoga Dr
Fort Collins, CO 80525

(970) 282-4422

Peter W. Odenbach

1400 Ticonderoga Dr.

Fort Collins, Co  80524

(970) 282-4422

RE: Sandy Edgerton (Odenbach)
Posted Sunday, August 10, 2014 07:13 PM

Omg Dennis that is 35 minutes from where I live.   I just left a voice message.  Not sure if it's then or not.  Would that be great.  Sandy and I were best buds in school.  

Thank you so very much!





RE: Sandy Edgerton (Odenbach)
Posted Sunday, August 10, 2014 07:37 PM

Wudda thought you'd see her at the Mall!  Let us know if you find her! you're welcome!


RE: Sandy Edgerton (Odenbach)
Posted Sunday, August 10, 2014 07:50 PM

Just talked to sandy!   We are going to meet for lunch.  Talk about a small world!



RE: Sandy Edgerton (Odenbach)
Posted Sunday, August 10, 2014 07:57 PM

There ya go ... say hello for us and have her  look at the pictures ... Pete might be interested in my photos on my peofile page, as opposed to the party picture page, as there are current pic's of the Curtins and Ted Boylan! See ya  ... dj.